Mai Miyata, JFE Steel Corporation
Steel Research Laboratory, Coated Products Research Department
Senior Researcher
Job details
I am engaged in surface treatment of steel plate, more specifically, hot-dip galvanizing of steel sheets used in automobiles. I was interested in physics since I was in high school and studied materials in university and joined an iron and steel company. School offered more basic research where we work on development for the decades ahead, but at work, the current development we are working on will go out in the world next year or in two years. The sense of speed is very different. We have both specialists and all-arounders at work, and I would like to aim for a specialist in the field of surface treatment.
What do you find rewarding about your job?
Research at the university was far-sighted so I wanted to be able to see my own outcome in a closer sense. Fortunately, I was involved in the development of products that will go into market from the beginning of work, and I was able to complete and launch one product after 3 to 4 years since joining the company. One of my motivations in joining an iron and steel company was to see the products I was involved in used in the actual world, and I was very impressed to be able to see this accomplishment with my own eyes. I took about 1 year off for maternity leave and childcare leave combined. I wasn’t able to work as much while caring for a child but this was only for a limited time and patience was needed. As long as I do best of what I can, results will follow. I am blessed with the environment where the company is considerate and I can leave work on time due to the work-style reform, and nursery is available as well.
Advice to students?
I would like for students to think about what it is that you like to do. When you go out into the world, there are many challenges and struggles but if those come from what you truly love, you will be able to overcome them. So I would like for you all to take the time to think about what you enjoy and love.