Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment (Collaboration Type)

Initiative for the Implementation of the Diversity Research Environment (Collaboration Type)

Program Overview

What is the Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment (Collaboration Type)?

The Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment (Collaboration Type) is dedicated to boosting the diversity of the research environment and to fostering exceptional research results. To that end, it supports efforts to put in place a research environment that takes into account the life events and work-life balance of women researchers and to increase the research skills of women researchers, as well as efforts to actively hire women researchers, encourage women researchers who have stopped conducting research or quit research jobs to return to those jobs, and foster active hiring of women researchers for management positions. The “Collaboration Type” designation indicates the expectation that universities and research institutes will work with companies and other entities to drive the activities of women researchers in various regions and fields, both at the Collaborating Organizations and other entities.

Overview of Program Initiatives

Participating Organizations

Lead Organization Hiroshima University
Collaborating Organizations Mazda Motor Corporation, Delta Kogyo Co., Ltd., and International Development Center of Japan

Support Program Duration

FY2017 to FY2022

Purpose of Chosen Program

The program will implement a Career Advancement Project for Women Researchers (CAPWR) designed to contribute to a peaceful and sustainable society by combining the knowledge of think tanks focused on international cooperation with industry-academia collaboration that brings together national universities that play a core role in research and development as well as human resources development with manufacturing companies. In addition, the program will aim to contribute to the achievement of the targets set forth in the Fourth Gender Equality Basic Plan by strengthening initiatives with goals such as increasing the hiring of women researchers, fostering their promotion to management positions, and putting in place a diverse research environment. Finally, it will aim to provide new knowledge and opportunities to women researchers at universities and companies while effecting a quantitative and qualitative enhancement of women researchers with local roots and an international perspective, particularly for those involved in science, engineering, and agriculture.

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