Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment (Collaboration Type)

Initiative for the Implementation of the Diversity Research Environment (Collaboration Type)


Career Advancement Project for Women Researchers (CAPWR)

This program will foster the activities of women researchers by implementing the following four approaches:

1. Institutional Enhancement by Improved Existing Approaches

  • Enabling organizations to implement unique initiatives in an ongoing manner and share associated information among themselves
  • Researching successful examples of efforts to put in place diverse research environments in Japan and overseas
  • Engaging in awareness-raising activities targeting management positions at organizations

2. Capacity Development in Women Researchers’ Research Activities

  • Providing opportunities for women researchers to explore leading-edge research topics
  • Promoting international research activities and presentations of findings by women researchers
  • Holding training events such as leadership training seminars and seminars about how to obtain external funding

3. Positive Action in Recruitment and Promotion of Women Researchers

  • Enhancing positive action
  • Encouraging women to attend Hiroshima University and boost their career prospects by earning a degree
  • Broadening the perspective of female university students who are seeking to become researchers

4. Model Development

  • Developing and encouraging the adoption of models that accommodate industry and organizational characteristics through research targeting organizations that are members of the Industry-Academia-Government Council on Promoting Diversity and the verification of the benefits of approaches (1) through (3)
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