Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment (Collaboration Type)

Initiative for the Implementation of the Diversity Research Environment (Collaboration Type)

Positive Action in Recruitment and Promotion of Women Researchers

Women Researcher Internships

The program offers internships at companies and other organizations with the goal of helping women graduate students develop their careers and of improving the research skills of young women researchers.

Broadening the Perspective of Women Researchers

Industry Seminars, Career Start Support Seminars, and Company Visit Bus Tours

The program offers learning opportunities to women students, graduate students, and faculty members, for example by inviting women researchers working at companies and other organizations to discuss the nature of their work and describe how they balance life events such as childbirth and child-raising with their jobs.

Awareness-Raising Activities

The program works to raise awareness with regard to the social and economic backdrop against which diversity-promoting measures are being pursued in Japan as well as the importance of related issues and management as those measures are implemented.

Results for Approach 3


※Click the image for an overview of training offered during FY2017.

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