[Application Closed] Call for Applications AY2021 Career Advancement Project (CAP) Researcher (Full-time)
※Application Closed
AY2021 Career Advancement Project (CAP) Researcher
Application Guidelines
1. Purpose
The purpose of this call for applications is to employ an excellent female researcher who, having
already received a Ph.D., wishes to resume her research after being unable to carry it out due to
life events or employment issues, as a Career Advancement Project Researcher (hereinafter referred
to as “CAP Researcher”). The purpose’s key aim is to promote the resumption of research activities
and career development of female researchers whose careers have been postponed, and to nurture
them as researchers who can be active in diverse areas of society, such as education and research
institutes and in industry.
2. Number of positions
3. Term of employment
April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 (no renewal planned).
4. Affiliation and duties
The researcher will be affiliated with the graduate school to which her academic supervisor is
assigned to, and will carry out the research work described in her annual research plan.
5. Eligibility
(1) Female researchers who are in possession of one or more Ph.D. degrees as of application.
(2) Not engaged in a research career as of application due to childbirth, childcare, caregiving,
or employment-related reasons after obtaining a Ph.D., or not engaged in a full-time research
career after obtaining a Ph.D. (i.e. working as a part-time researcher, etc.)
(3) Not employed full-time as of hiring by Hiroshima University (the University).
(4) In possession of a prospective academic supervisor at the University.
(5) Not been employed in this CAP Researcher position (full-time or part-time) in the past.
6. Work hours
7 hours 45 minutes per day, 5 days per week (38 hours 45 minutes per week).
Work days: Mon – Fri 8:30 – 17:15 (Lunch break 12:00 – 13:00).
Days off: In principle, Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and the New Year’s holiday period
(December 29 – January 3).
Upon an agreement to the application of the discretionary work system for professional work,
work hours will be considered 7 hours 45 minutes per day, or 38 hours 45 minutes per week.
7. Salary and benefits
Based on Hiroshima University’s Regulations for Appointment, Removal, Salaries, Working Hours,
Time-off and Leave of Contracted Teaching and Research-Related Employees.
Social insurance, etc.: The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Mutual Aid Association, industrial accident compensation insurance, employment insurance.
Salary payment date: On the 17th of each month (the salary payment is based on the calculation
period starting from the first day, to the last day of the current month).
8. Hiring process
(1) First screening (selection based on application documents)
(2) Second screening (selection based on interview)
9. Application documents
(1) CV
– If you have been previously employed by the University (including as a TA, RA, researcher, etc.),
details of this employment must be included on the form.
– Non-Japanese citizens must attach a copy of their residence card (both sides of the card,
with the detailed information being clearly readable).
*Upon hiring, the successful candidate must apply for permission to work in Japan.
(2) List of Research Achievements
(3) Application for Career Advancement Project (CAP) Researcher
– Career path as personally envisioned
– Research status to date
– Paper preparation plan *Ideally, including SCI, SSCI paper submission plans, etc.
– Notable extramural activities such as participation in academic societies and study abroad
(4) Annual Research Plan
(5) Letter of Recommendation
(6) Letter of Consent
10. Application method and deadline ※Application Closed
Application method: By mail:
On the front of the envelope, please write “Career Advancement Project (CAP) Researcher
(Full-time) application documents” in red ink, and post it by registered mail.
Application deadline: Applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, November 6, 2020.
11. Notification of selection results
Successful candidates will be notified by email in February 2021.
12. Duties, obligations, etc. of CAP Researchers
(1) To carry out research based on the plan described in the annual research plan.
(2) To actively submit papers and present findings.
(3) To indicate when presenting research findings that the research was conducted with the status
of a CAP Researcher.
(4) To actively strive to obtain external funding.
(5) To actively attend the Practical Programs organized by the Global Career Design Center at
Hiroshima University.
(6) To submit a monthly report describing research progress and a final report describing
achievements during the term of employment following the completion of the research term.
13. Name of hiring organization
Hiroshima University
14. Contact information for submitting application and questions
(CAPWR office) Planning Group
Dept. of Research and Academia-Government-Community Collaboration,
Office of Research and Academia-Government-Community Collaboration,
Hiroshima University
1-1-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima, 739-8524, Japan.
15. Miscellaneous
(1) Probationary employment period: Six (6) months (Hiroshima University Work Regulations for
Contract Employees).
(2) Personal information obtained through the application documents will be used for the purpose
of selecting candidates and for procedures necessary for HR, salary and welfare programs, along
with statistical surveys, after appointment. The information will not be used or provided for any
other purpose.
(3) Application documents will not be returned. The application documents of the candidates whom
we have decided not to employ will be disposed of in an appropriate manner by the University
after the completion of the selection process.
(4) Travel expenses for interviews shall be the responsibility of the candidate.